AÇI SCHOOLSHigh SchoolMediaVideo İlber Ortaylı ile Tarih Dersleri-Yahudiler Okan Soylu20/03/2021 0230
AÇI SCHOOLSHigh SchoolMediaVideo İlber Ortaylı ile Tarih Dersleri-Yunanistan Okan Soylu20/03/2021 0230
AÇI SCHOOLSHigh SchoolMediaPodcast Capitalist Modernity in Russia in the second half of the 19th Century Okan Soylu20/03/2021 0220
AÇI SCHOOLSHigh SchoolMediaPodcast Different Political Movements/ Socialism and Communism in the 20th Century Okan Soylu20/03/2021 0220
AÇI SCHOOLSHigh SchoolMediaPodcast Marxism versus other forms of Revolutionisms in the late 19th Century (2) Okan Soylu20/03/2021 0220
AÇI SCHOOLSHigh SchoolMediaPodcast The Party and Professional Revolutionaries ın Russia: RSDLP, Bolsheviks and Mensheviks Okan Soylu20/03/2021 0220
AÇI SCHOOLSHigh SchoolMediaPodcast The analysis of Around the world in Eighty Days 1 Okan Soylu20/03/2021 0220